Monday, May 26, 2008


Oh! What horror my Mistress has set upon me! That horrible elixir she bade me fetch! I fetched it alright.. on my knees and with aching jaw, much to the delight of the group of soldiers that sported with me. I was awarded not only one small vial but two! Two!

I had heard, you see, that they might rid me of my freckles. I do not hate my freckles really, I only hate the thick ones.. the dense grouping on my nose.. I much prefer the smaller ones, dusted and dotted across pale flesh.. I returned one vial to my Mistress, proudly offering it up to her the next morning.

The other vial I had rubbed upon myself the night before... And then I waited, I slept.. In the morning nothing had changed, my freckles were there and possibly even worse! And too.. I itched.. Holy God in Heaven did I itch! Hives! I was covered head to toe in hives..

I have always had a likelihood of allergy. But before it had been to grass and weeds and pollen, all things I could be given an injection for. But this! This tragedy upon my flesh, this folly.. this humiliation was the worst ever. I gave new meaning to the term Miserable slave.

And what, pray tell, would Tia say?